NEW: Please see our Patreon here! Contact us for a copy of the current issue, #9.
The Bollman Bridge Review is a postal-mail-only literary magazine published three times a year. We hope to add our small voice to our society's ongoing conversation about art, belief, faith, humor, and life. We also hope to keep the form of the on-paper literary journal alive at a time when people could use an alternative to looking at a computer screen.
Subscriptions (for one year and 3 issues) are $12 per year, payable with a check or money order made out to Anthony Porco and sent to Box 110, Savage, MD 20763, or through Paypal to mindflayer68@fastmail.fm. We also have a Patreon page that can be accessed here. Individual issues can be ordered for $5 each. We hope you find us an interesting read.
We are interested in submissions of original prose, poetry, humor, travelogues, reviews, or any other genre of writing on a variety of topics, plus black-and-white photographs and line art. There are a few things we'd rather not receive: sexist/racist/homophobic content, diatribes from either extreme of politics, material with extreme sexuality or violence in the absence of any other plot or point, and dogmatically anti-Christian material of the Richard Dawkins variety. The best way to find out the kinds of things we publish is to read our journal.
We ask for first publication rights only; all rights revert to the author after publication. Please do not send us simultaneous submissions or previously published work.
Payment is an extra copy of the magazine in which your work is featured, plus a half-price discount on a year's subscription ($6, instead of $12). We regret that we are not able to pay money for submissions at this time. We also regret that we are not able to accept artwork in color at this time.
While we welcome submissions of material from anyone in the country or the world, writers from Howard County, Maryland are especially welcome, since that is our home base. We are also interested in writing about the southwestern United States (Arizona, New Mexico, Colorado, and Utah).
Reading a sample issue, or asking for a sample of writing we have accepted, is the best way to find out the kinds of things we like. That said, you may find us surprisingly open-minded. Try us!
Please send your material to Tony Porco, our editor, at outwestwriter@fastmail.fm, or to Box 110, Savage, MD 20763. Work can be in the body of an email, or as an attached file, whatever is easiest for you. For file formats, we prefer Rich Text, since we use WordPerfect to edit and create the Review.
You can also check out our Instagram at bollmanbridgereview.
Thank you very much for your interest and support!
(If you're wondering what the heck the Bollman Bridge is, it's a historic railroad truss bridge in our hometown of Savage, Maryland, USA. Please click here for more information.)
Note that we also offer editing and proofreading services; please email jporco at fastmail dot fm for more information, or see the Facebook group. I am also working on a book. (This same blog includes updates on the Review.)
Hover over the images on the left to see captions; click on them to see them on their own in a popup window.
The cat painting on the left is by Carolyn Donnell, who currently lives in the San Francisco Bay Area where she writes (mostly fiction and poetry) and occasionally paints. See carolyndonnell.wordpress.com for some of her past activities.